How to create account on lisa ?

LISA is an invite-only platform. You can only create an account if you’ve received an invitation email from an Admin.

To create your account on LISA, follow these steps:


Receive Invitation

Check your email inbox for an invitation from LISA Admin.


Accept Invitation

Open the email and click on the “Accept Invite” button.


Verify Email

You’ll be redirected to a signup form. Enter the email address where you received the invitation. An OTP (One-Time Password) will be sent to this email for verification.


Enter OTP

Check your email for the OTP and enter it in the signup form.


Fill Account Details

After verification, fill in your basic account details:

  • Full Name
  • Create a strong password
  • Any additional required information

Complete Signup

Click the “Create Account” button to finalize your signup.


Access Your Console

You’ll be automatically redirected to the appropriate console based on your invited role (Learner, Admin, or Trainer).

Make sure to use a strong, unique password for your LISA account. Consider using a password manager to generate and store secure passwords.

The invitation link typically expires after a certain period. If your link has expired, contact your LISA Admin to request a new invitation.


If you encounter any issues during the signup process:

  • Ensure you’re using the email address where you received the invitation.
  • Check your spam folder if you don’t receive the OTP.
  • If the invitation link doesn’t work, request a new one from your LISA Admin.
  • For any persistent issues, contact LISA support or your organization’s IT department.