Authentication Process


Visit the Auth Page

Open your web browser and navigate to

Bookmark this page for quick access in the future.

LISA Authentication Page


Enter Credentials

Input your registered email address and password in the respective fields.

Ensure caps lock is off and you’re using the correct email associated with your LISA account.


Choose Organization

After entering your credentials, you’ll be prompted to select your organization from a dropdown menu.

If you’re part of multiple organizations, make sure to choose the correct one for your current session.

Choose Organization


Choose Platfrom

After selecting organization, you’ll be prompted to select platform. If you have access for both the platform.

If you have access to both the platform, you can choose the platform you want to access. But if you have only one platform access, you will be redirected to that platform directly.

Choose Platforms LXP or MLP


Role-based Redirection

Based on your role, the system will automatically redirect you to the appropriate interface:

Access to Learning Experience Platofrm (LXP) as learner at

Learning Experience Platform ( lisa LXP )

Micro Learning Platform ( lisa ai ) at

Micro Learning Platform ( lisa AI )

Having trouble logging in? Check our troubleshooting guide or contact your organization’s LISA administrator.